Margherita Vitagliano

"In her images she puts passion, warmth, listening, noble feelings that give nostalgia and offer a world of true and deep feelings, proposed with extreme naturalness and with the modesty of people with great sensitivity."
Director and founder SENTIRE JOURNAL
(Corona Perer)

Born in San Martino Valle Caudina (Avellino) in 1977 with artistic studies behind her, self taught she approached photography after the birth of her son, making her way in this world by participating in various national and international competitions obtaining flattering results.
She likes to say about her "I'm not a photographer, but I love to photograph because through photography I try to express what I am and I feel "
She currently lives in Timperley, south of Manchester, with her family and the passion for photography, her way out of the daily gray. She also writes for the Italian newspaper "Giornale Sentire"Open link commenting with her photos angles of life and English news.Open link

Awards, publications and exhibitions

2° place in the national photo contest “Peppe Celemme” Luci e riflessi" Naples
Publication in the section "photographic exhibition" of the national magazine fotografia digitale facile N. 37.
4° place in the national photo contest "7° Memorial A.Pica" Ponte, Benevento.
Publication in the section "photographic exhibition" of the national magazine fotografia digitale digitale facile N.50
Publication in the book of " Nuntium of the Pontifical Lateran University n. 29.
3° place in the national photo contest "8° Memorial A.Pica" Ponte, Benevento.
Award Photocommunity for Paris expo.
Technical jury prize for the competition “ frammenti di borgo “ San Martino Valle Caudina,Avellino.
Publication in the section "photographic exhibition" of the national magazine fotografia digitale facile N. 57.
2° place in the national photo contest "9° Memorial A.Pica" Ponte, Benevento.
Publication in the section "a world in black and white" of the national magazine Focus N. 208
2° place in the national photo contest "un' alleanza tra generazioni for the Community of Sant Egidio" Rome
Publication in the section " The Best Off" of the national magazine Focus N. 212
Group exhibition "Med Photo Fest", Catania.
Among the winners of the national award all "crazy for fruit" for the Campania region.
"Yellow pages" cover, Italian passion theme, for the province of Benevento, Campania region.
Publication for "Potpourri Monthly Magazine" June.
Personal exhibition "Domani" palzzo comunale di Isera, Trento.
Personal exhibition "Domani" Photoforma-Spazio Pretto, Trento.
Publication for Fc Yearbook year 2011.
Online publication for the magazine Camerapixo N.18.
Advertings posters for the presentation of the books: geografia commossa dell'Italia interna di Franco Arminio e la collera di Andrea Di Consoli. Avellino
Finalist for the "157 International Print Exhibition the royal photographic society". UK
Group exhibition International Print Exhibition The royal Photography society.
Published on the magazine National Geographic September in the section "your shoot"
Group exhibition" Terramiti la grande terra madre" Agropoli, Salerno.
International Collective exhibition "association Project 192" San Marino and Padova.
Online publications for the National Geographic articles "An Aging Brain Is Still Pretty Smart, Alzheimer’s Tests on the Horizon?, and Swapping Young Blood for Old Reverses Aging".
Publication with Photography " My love" National Geographic magazine September 2014 in the section "your shoot"
Online publication for "Mail Online" inside the animal Kingdom.
Publication with photography " My love" Digital camera November.
Selected with the series "Frozen Frames" for the "bestselected" online project.
Finalist of "PRISMA Human Rights Photo international Contest,freedom and oppression", Venice.
Photo Exhibition for "PRISMA Human Rights Photo contest freedom and oppression", Monastery of San Nicolò, Lido, Venice.
Online publication fo Internazionale with photography " My love" .
Online publication for Pholio with the project "Frozen Frames".
Group Exibition "GORIZIA PHOTOGRAPHY WEEK". Gorizia.
Online publication for Art people, with the project Those hidden wounds.
Online publication for Art people, with the project "Life what a joke"!
Online publication for "Donne per Arte"
Online publication for Marche fotografia, with project "Life what a joke"!
Photo selected for "the bestselected book Vol I".
Finalist for "Photobox Istagram photography award".
Online publication for "The Sunday Times" for photobox instagram photograpy award.
Photos used for the flyer of the theatrical presentation "Un opéra de papier" for Le fil rouge théâtre Strasbourg, France.
Photo donation for the fundraising Mediterraneum Cultural Association "CataniaAiutaCatania", aimed at helping the poorest families in the Catania area, due to the Covid-19 emergency".
Photo donation for the fundraising Mediterraneum Collection: "The Italian Red Cross", for the Covid-19 emergency in Sicily.
Photographic contribution for the !Andrà Tutto Bene" project, also published for click magazine n.70.
Online publication for Art people gallery, with the project "Old memories"
Photo selected for the project "interminati spazi, domori e la fotorafia"
Group Exibition Interminati Spazi "immagini e poesia dal tempo del lockdown" in Turin.
Online publication for The Eye of Photography, portfolios of the weekend, October 17Th.
Group exhibition Mediterraneum Collection for "Med Photo Fest 2020" December 2020, January 2021, Catania, Caltagirone, Siracusa.
Among the finalist of the competition "The Old Frame New Picture" Mancheseter.
Online exhibition for "Old Frame New Picture" January.
Online publication for The Eye of Photography, portfolios of the weekend, March 13Th.
Publication on The Wax Paper Issue twelve with the project "Frozen Frames" April.
Online publication on la Repubblica di Napoli "Uno scatto per il 25 Aprile: Napoli per i partigiani".
Group exhibition " Dalla parte della donna" "Med Photo Fest 2021" November 2021, Catania.
Photo selected for the project "interminati spazi, domori e la fotorafia"
Group Exibition Interminati Spazi "grazie, immagini di gratitudine e gentilezza " in Turin.
Group exhibition "contemporary visions" 6-8 January "Sacripante Gallery"Rome"
Some of my works are part of the art collection of "Cassa Rurale della Vallagarina Trento" and associazione cuturale mediterraneum "Mediterraneum collection".
Also some of my works are permanently exhibited in the council hall of the municipality of my home town San Martino Valle Caudina, Avellino.



indirizzo / address

Margherita Vitagliano
Cheshire England UK


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